As always, we've been staying busy here. With the summer upon us, it's hard to resist trips to the park and play days in the pools. Luckily, we have a fairly flexible crowd - it's usually easy to keep everybody entertained.
Yesterday, we played in the pools - but it wasn't the same without Noah and Rebecca (They were snoozing - perhaps they figured it better to nap than deal with the heat?). Savannah and Julia had a blast, though - and I was surprised at how quickly they "jumped" right in despite the freezing cold water. I have to admit, it does feel pretty good since it's been so hot and humid around here. I even got wet up to my knees. :) Fun!
Today, we took a walk to the park. Cornerstone Park isn't that far from here, but I prefer to venture to the park at the Greenbelt. It's a bigger park, tends to be less crowded with field trips (Cornerstone is right by the swimming pool) and sometimes we see a class from our old friends at Open Arms there. When we do run into old friends, it's great fun to play with other kids and it's wonderful for me to get some adult conversation! Plus, the extra walking is good for all of us, and it gives us a chance to appreciate nature a bit more.
Unfortunately, we didn't stay at the park very long. We had snack and then played for just a few minutes. I got worried about the weather moving in. Despite the great forecast, the sky was darkening and I could smell rain. So, we jetted out of there quickly. The girls were good sports - even Savannah picked up the pace a bit and we enjoyed talking about weather all the way home. It's too bad, really, because by the time we got halfway home, the sky cleared and it was hot and sunny again! Oh, well. Better safe than sorry!
There are tons of new pictures up at flickr. Enjoy :)
Oh, by the way - we are going to visit the Deanna Rose farmstead tomorrow, and then I'm hoping we'll get to the library for story time next Thursday! Busy fun!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
More young people wanted!
The best advertising for any small business is word of mouth! I'm on the lookout for two more buddies! I would love to have a part-timer and a full-timer. Part-time care is defined as 29 hours per week or less. And, well - full-time is anything over that! Minimum age requirement is that the child is an accomplished stair-traveler! There is no age maximum, though I won't be able to transport kiddos to/from school.
Our friends would LOVE to have more friends join us! Do you know anybody looking for some TLC?
( By the way - I'm so flattered and humbled by the referrals I'm getting for babies!)
Our "fans" really do rock. I love my job - I hope it shows. Thanks for helping get the word out!
Our friends would LOVE to have more friends join us! Do you know anybody looking for some TLC?
( By the way - I'm so flattered and humbled by the referrals I'm getting for babies!)
Our "fans" really do rock. I love my job - I hope it shows. Thanks for helping get the word out!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Summer Fun! Pool days
We had SO. MUCH. FUN. today! It was our first water play day, and it was a blast! I have to admit, I was a wee bit nervous about it... who wouldn't be with an 8 month old, 11 month old, 2 year old and 3 year old? But, everything was smooth sailing and, did I mention? It was SO MUCH FUN!! I wish I had the time and patience to give you lots of d
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Our Daily Routines
I'm a stickler when it comes to having predictable routines. I strongly believe that having a routine that everybody can predict makes the days easier on everybody. Please keep in mind that a routine is very different from a schedule. I think of a schedule as something you must follow so as not to go off course. Schedules are dictated by specific times of day, and restrict activities (such as creative play) or necessities (such as potty time) to a certain amount of time. Routines, on the other hand, suggest a flow from one part of the day to the next. It's an order in which things happen. Without a routine, activities and programming is unpredictable.
As I've said (some things are just worth repeating), I'm a stickler when it comes to having a routine. I insist that each day begin and end in the same way. Of course, I must always be flexible. Life would be boring if I insisted on a stringent A, then B, then C routine. Not only boring, but impossible. I like to plan some variation in our weeks now and then. In fact, I'm hoping the summer will be filled with variations - such as going for walks, visits to the park and library, etc.
But, predictable routines are easy to jump into or out of when needed.
So, I know you're just dying to know what the routine is like around here, aren't you? Well, you are in luck...
So there you have it - a summarized look at our day. Don't you wish you could play with us?
As I've said (some things are just worth repeating), I'm a stickler when it comes to having a routine. I insist that each day begin and end in the same way. Of course, I must always be flexible. Life would be boring if I insisted on a stringent A, then B, then C routine. Not only boring, but impossible. I like to plan some variation in our weeks now and then. In fact, I'm hoping the summer will be filled with variations - such as going for walks, visits to the park and library, etc.
But, predictable routines are easy to jump into or out of when needed.
So, I know you're just dying to know what the routine is like around here, aren't you? Well, you are in luck...
Start of day:Explore the living room. During this time, I try to find some "different" or "favorite" toys to keep the children's attention for a while. This is the time of day when we are all just trying to wake up and get going.
Morning Routine: We move down to the playroom, where we sign and rehearse many of the things we've been learning. For a while, it was the parts of the calendar (including the 7 days of the week, 12 months of year, etc.) and then it was reciting the Lord's Prayer, and then it was a song called "The Seven Day of of Creation" ...and these days, we just kinda do the alphabet, numbers, opposites, colors, and whatever else we dream up. It's a fun time for everyone who wants to join us. Nobody is required to sit and play in this way - the kiddos are free to roam about the playroom if they wish.
Care routines and Morning Snack: When we're done having casual conversations after our little "circle time," we go to our care routines... going potty, washing hands, cleaning the table. I serve snack, we say a quick prayer, and the kiddos munch. :) Even the babies are in on this part, now - as their feeding routines fall right into place with our morning snack time!
Creative Play: After snack, we wash up and then head back down to the playroom for creative play. This is the time when we are pretending or painting or coloring or dramatizing, or doing anything else that is fun and inclusive! This summer, this will be the time when we enjoy summery things - like pool time and walks to the park. Horray for warm weather!
Outside Play: Usually by now, the babies are wiped out and are ready for a morning nap. So, the bigger kiddos and I (and even the babies, if they don't wanna sleep) head outside for some fun in the sun! I strongly feel that children need to be outdoors every day, regardless of weather conditions. Unless, OF COURSE, it's below freezing out, or tornado-ey or soaking wet rainy/muddy, etc. :) My point is, fresh air is good, and good is fun. We even went out in the snow once to catch snowflakes on our tongues. Even if outside time only amounts to 5 minutes, it's worth the trouble of getting everybody out.
Group Play/Lunch fixin: At this point, we go with the flow and hang out upstairs while I fix lunch. The girls are usually in Julia's room with the Barbies or little people - Noah and Rebecca are roaming the hardwood floors, enjoying their own play time.
Care routines and lunch: The girls are so good when it's time to clean up. They love to hurry and clean quickly so they can surprise me by saying "the rooms already cleaned up!" (I will go see the room and have a big dramatic smile and say "oh my goodness! How did you get this cleaned up so fast!? .... it never gets old). Then, we go potty, wash hands, and sit down for lunch. As luck would have it, the babies are usually hungry again by now, too! So, we all eat together as a "family." I love it.
Care routines and Storytime: The deal is that you are asked to stay at the table until everybody is done eating. (This way there's no rush or "competition" to get done first.) Then, the older kiddos take their plates to the sink, put their cups in the fridge, and then head to the bathroom, where we wash up, brush teeth, and go potty once again if needed. When they are done with these tasks, they always go to Julia's room and pick a book to look at until I meet them in there for story time. They are so good about quietly "reading" books to themselves while I'm cleaning up from lunch and helping the babies get washed up. :) This is probably my favorite part of the day. I enjoy reading two books - one that Savannah picks out, and one that Julia picks out. Soon enough, it will be three - one for Noah!
Naptime: When the books are done, everybody gets a quick hug and then they go to their beds. I turn on music in everybody's rooms and tell them goodnight. The girls almost always fall asleep immediately! This is my much deserved break time. I usually spend nap time chilling out with the babies - or, if they sleep too, I'll read a magazine or catch up on other cleaning that needs done.
Care routines and afternoon snack: After nap, we go potty, wash hands, and have our snack. On nice days, we like to eat snack outside!
Outside Play: Honestly, by the time everybody wakes up, I'm missing the kiddos so much and they sleep for so long! So, I'm usually the one with the MOST energy during afternoon play time. I tend to get really silly and have lots of fun!
Music and Dance: When it gets close to pick-up time, we like to come inside and wait for moms and dads in the living room. We usually have the music on and get to "free dance." The girls are learning to dance with each other now-a-days (instead of off doing their own things separately) and Noah has some great rhythm!
So there you have it - a summarized look at our day. Don't you wish you could play with us?
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