Friday, October 31, 2008


Savannah was Childcare by Maggie's first enrollment back in November of 2007! I can't believe how much I've seen her grow up in the last year. This truly is a testament to how quickly they change!

When I first met Savannah, she was barely toddling. Now, she is an avid runner, jumper, and has started skipping everywhere. She is potty trained, weaned from her "binkie" and drinks from a big girl cup. More importantly, she is cuddly and loving - at least once a day she will randomly tell me that she loves me. And she'll do that for the other kiddos in care, too. She's extremely affectionate and caring. She loves loves loves books and right now, will spend an hour or two at a time cutting and pasting at the art table! She also loves dress-up, swinging, cooking projects (especially baking!) and play-doh.

Because of my technical difficulties, I only have a few photos to share. Savannah's story could take a whole series of posts, just because I've known her so long and have so many milestones to share! Alas, this eye candy will have to do. Enjoy!

Savannah and Julia often dress up and put on a fashion show of sorts...

If she was able to, I think Savannah would swing all day and night every day of her life!

Savannah is painting with cars! She loves art projects now, but she never cares to get her hands very messy.

Play-doh is another all-time favorite. Here, she's working it into a pancake. We spent many hours of the summer on the back patio making play-doh pancakes!

Water play is never boring with Savannah around!

Lookie! My hands are green!

I just had to include this picture - see how enamored Savannah is? She's like that with all the babies! Poor Julia looks left out in the background here.... but I'm sure that Savannah turned around and gave Julia a big hug after this shot was taken!

Sadly, the kids grow up so fast. Savannah is such a blessing to have here! Being the oldest daycare kiddo we have, she sets a great example! We love her!

Technical Difficulties

I can't wait to share Savannah's story here! It's frustrating that I'm experiencing technical difficulties, and will not be able to share her pictures and story until I get my new toys all squared away.

Soon after Paityn's post, I got a new computer. For some reason, I can't seem to get the camera to attach to this computer... it's going to require Mr. Rich's expertise - and he's been working a ton of hours each week, leaving little time for this problem.

As soon as it all gets squared away, Savannah's story will be published. :) Thanks for being patient!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


FINALLY!  Well, it took me more than a week, but I'm still good on my word :)  I compose these things 2 seconds at a time, darting in the office when I can escape for a quick second. ...I knew you'd understand.  Without further ado:

Paityn is the newest member of our childcare family! She first came in August, and is a part-timer. We LOVE the days when Paityn is here! She helps the mornings go by really fast... she's an early one, and is always in a fairly agreeable (if not very joyful and silly!) mood. I've never been much of a morning person, but I really do look forward to the mornings when Paityn helps me start the day.

Here's shot of her on her very first day... she was so very tired :)

After a while, she started to warm up to the idea of playing with me and all the other kiddos...

Paityn is a very quick learner. She watches the other kiddos complete a challenge, and knows just what to do when it's her turn.

I wish I had some video of her talking... Paityn will chat up a storm when she's in the mood! Her babbling is probably one of the things that makes me smile most on the days when she's here. She's going to have quite the vocabulary when all those sounds and noises start to make sense!

Paityn enjoys participating in everything we do. She's really quite a serious painter!

From sept08

As I've already said, she catches on quick. I bet she'll be potty trained before her next birthday!
From sept08 soon as she figures out how to properly use the toilet, of course

Without a doubt, Paityn's smile can cheer anybody up...