But, let's be honest. It's hard work! My job is not cut out for just anybody and that's why I wake up every morning and thank God for giving me my gifts and talents and showing me how I can use them everyday ...and get paid for it!
I do have my crummy days. Don't we all? There are those days when everything is all out of sync. You know the kind of day... when you wake up 10 minutes late, then get in the shower and realize there's no soap, and you spill your coffee at breakfast, maybe one of your kids wakes up WAY early, and you forgot your briefcase at home and you remembered that as you were sitting at the tenth RED LIGHT of the morning... Yeah, those kinds of days are never fun - but that's what evenings are for. You get home, shake the day off, relax with your family and look forward to bed time.
Today, is NOT one of those days for me! Today, I'm on the ball.
At 11:30 this morning, I was taking care of all four kids at the very same time...
- I was feeding Rebecca while stirring the lunch meat that was simmering (scary, but had to be done).
- I was also feeding Noah in between stirs - he's so flexible and easy going ... he loves to watch me cook!
- Julia was trying to spell her name on the fridge with the letter magnets, and I was helping her locate the letter J by giving her hints (It's blue, it's near the handle...)
- Savannah was going around the room, naming all the objects and stating their owners. (Julia's seat? Rebecca's toy? Noah's bib? Maggie's chair? Rich's water? etc. etc. etc.)
So, next time I have an OFF day? I'll just keep reminding myself that another good day is right around the corner...
You ARE super woman! Whether you take time to thank God everyday for your talents or not, I thank Him for you! WE are so blessed to have you!!!
that's right, superwoman! And your post just reitterated what I said on your other blog! You rock! And if I had kids and we lived closer, I'd send them to you durig the days!
I can't imagine how you can do it all by yourself all day every day! What happens if you have to go to the potty?! Or just clear your head?!
A dear friend of mine (maybe two) from my center and I are considering running our own like you are. Though I certainly can't imagine doing it alone like you are! That makes you DOUBLE super woman in my eyes! :)
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