Monday, May 25, 2009

Science in the PreK classroom

On Saturday, I attended a four hour training at Science City about how to bring science into the classroom. I kinda knew that what I was going into would be a bit over our heads since the kiddos we care for are 2 and under, but I also knew that the education, the peer interaction, and the getting-out-of-the-house-ness would be a good thing. Plus, I went in expecting to learn a few things that I could use with my 4 1/2 year old, Julia.

While the class was not overly educational for me, I did take away a new box full of ideas and reminders that I can use with our gang. I have had a few science related projects up my sleeve, and this class is just what I needed to get the ball rolling and not be so hesitant about any of it. The instructors were great - they were both very well educated and wonderful presenters, and they did a good job of reminding me that I don't need a biochemistry degree to teach young'uns how to mix colors, or grow flowers, or just to ask poignant questions.

I'm glad I went to the workshop, and the fact that it was held at Science City in Union Station was a major bonus. The leaders of the workshop gave out lots of information about other science-y things that we could do right there at Union Station. I think a field trip is in order this summer!

So, hopefully Saturday's workshop will inspire me to further encourage the kiddos to explore, investigate, ask questions, make predictions, and learn from all the teachable moments that we have in our playroom, in our backyard, during our meals, and on our walks. It's exciting and fun to have a fresh way to approach the often-one-sided conversations that happen around here!


April said...

That sounds really exciting. Of course, I am one of those nerds that likes science.

noahsmom said...

How COOL!!! Can't wait to hear about what you do with the kiddos. It will no doubt be exceptional!!