Friday, August 21, 2009

Trash Day!

Thursdays are special at Miss Maggie's house. Thursday is trash day! Usually one or more of the kiddos sees the trash containers out on the curb when they arrive on Thursday mornings, and so they come in excited saying "trash truck?! trash truck?!"

Occassionally, we'll miss the trash truck. It usually comes during our transition from circle time to morning snack - and when we're lucky, we'll catch it without trouble. But, when we do miss it, the rest of the morning is typically filled with toddlers' voices singing "oh noooo! missed trash truck! oh mannn!"

It's really cute.

And maybe I'm a dork, but Thursday mornings at about 9:30 are usually one of my favorite times of the whole week.

I wish I could still get excited about the simplest, most predictable things. Something as simple as the city trash truck coming to haul away our garbage is exciting and wonderful in itself.... the guys can lift lots of heavy trash, the trash goes into a really big, loud, interesting truck, and they drive off with all our trash to get rid of it for us.

I know the kiddos will grow out of finding joy in Thursday's trash haul. But, for now - I am enjoying it every week, as the kiddos run to the windows and wave at the trash guys who have learned to smile and wave back at us. It's a lot of fun to see the kids' faces light up!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New School Year!

The end of summer snuck up on us and now all of the sudden it's back-to-school time!! I seriously did not even see that coming... how did I miss it? It happens every year, it's not like it's supposed to be a big surprise or anything.

Ah well, that's okay. We're still plugging away at Maggie's House! Our oldest friend, Julia, started her second year of preschool yesterday. We all loved waiting for her bus to come and waving goodbye as it drove off.

The learning and opportunities around here didn't stop when summer began, but they still feel fresh and new with the back-to-school season. This morning at circle time, I felt like the kiddos were really connecting with our songs and conversations. I was able to spend an extra 5-10 minutes with them - and we talked about the Bible! I felt led to (re)introduce the bible to the children, and our circle time ended with a short but very very sweet little prayer! I loved this, and it was probably my favorite part of this whole day so far. Of course, it's only noon - but, still!

I've been meaning to blog about our new "job chart" system, but have neglected to do so because I want to include pictures or video to share it with you. Perhaps my next post will explain the jobs we have been taking on around here.

In other news, we have lost a good, dear friend but gained another fun companion! The Truitt beagle, Daisy, passed away in July, and Annie - a full grown weimeriner/lab mix has been introduced! While we still talk about Daisy and miss some things about her, Annie has been such a HUGE blessing to us. She's very patient and loving - she lets the kiddos play on and around her... she loves to fetch balls and dog toys outside and she guards the house for us during the day. We love our new Annie dog! I really need to find more time to upload pictures.

Well, as you know - we stay busy around here with never a dull moment. I promise to be a more faithful blogger now that school is back in session and we'll have more organized planning around here. :) Thanks for reading!