Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday week!

We're now at that weird week between Christmas and New Years - where
everybody's still basking in the glow of family time and rest time...
not ready for Monday morning quite yet. But, it's another short week -
as New Years is on Thursday of this week. We're working on
re-establishing routines, yet celebrating the season... remembering the
toys we've always had, yet finding a few new things around the house
that we've never seen before. We're excited about setting new goals for
2009, yet beginning the New Year just the same as we begin a new week.
Very subtle changes. Very big excitement. I am sad that 2008 has come
to an end, and yet I'm excited to see what 2009 has in store for us!
God is so very good to us.

We are still looking for a preschooler to join us each day! If you know
of anybody that would love to play with us, please refer them to this
blog. Thanks! Merry New Year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Recent Pictures

Some days, I'm just better about having the camera handy. Today? Happened to be be one of those days!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Working with kids is a passion of mine. It's something I love and look forward to doing every day of my life! Everybody has a passion - if you don't know what yours is, perhaps you will find inspiration in the passions of my friends:

Savannah: Savannah is passionate about baby dolls and doctor's toys.... together. She loves to play doctor! She is always checking a "heart beep" and taking a temperature. She also is passionate about cutting and gluing. One day, she spent a whole hour at the art table just cutting pictures from a magazine and gluing them into a blank piece of paper.

Julia: Julia is also passionate about baby dolls. She loves to take them for walks and read them books. Especially now that she is developing phonic skills, she just loves to pretend to read. She also likes to have her babies on her lap while she writes up a "grocery list" with a pen and pad of paper. "Mom? What does broccoli start with?" I respond with "a 'B' honey" and she will then spell broccoli on her little pad, telling her baby doll "you make a B by first drawing a straight line down, then two bumps on this side, okay baby?"

Paityn: Paityn is passionate about jewelry, princess crowns, dressup clothes, and music. She's quite the dancer. Paityn is a "girly girl" ...and I mean that in the most loving way. She's cuddly and sweet - always offering kisses and hugs. She loves to dance and parade about with her fun beaded necklaces and dress up shoes!

Noah: Noah is passionate about eating. Hah! Okay, and care routines. He loves to demonstrate how to do things. Wiping tables, wiping faces, washing windows... cleaning floors those are all right up Noah's alley. He absolutely LOVES brushing his teeth. And, he loves anything related to trains, fish, balls, music, swinging, slides, and more. Come to think of it, Noah's a pretty passionate person. When I find something he's interested in, he's obsessed about it for weeks!

Rebecca: Rebecca is passionate about talking. yak yak yak yak she'll gab on and on for days on end. She talks about anything and everything there is to talk about. She makes a short story long. She sings and talks and discusses and conversates. She just loves to talk. Wonder where she gets that from?

And there you have it - our passions. Check back soon, these things change as quickly as the weather does around here!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sad news, and a new opening!

Unfortunately, I just found out that Savannah's last day will be December 19th. I'm having a hard time dealing with this, I've never been good at goodbyes. Fortunately, her family goes/works at our church - so we will still get to see Savannah on a regular basis. But, life here in the playroom just won't be the same without her!

Instead of focusing on the sad, imminent goodbye, we shall rejoice and celebrate that Savannah has grown and matured so much in the little-more-than-a-year that she has been here. She has grown to become an independant, creative, compassionate young preschooler.

On that note, I'm advertising an open spot. I'm looking for a 3-4 year old to care for, either full time or part time. I do have the space for a pair of siblings, if your preschooler has a baby brother/sister.

Please email me at maggietruitt (at) gmail *dot* com. I will be happy to e-mail the handbook, forms, and rates sheet to any serious inquiries!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Savannah was Childcare by Maggie's first enrollment back in November of 2007! I can't believe how much I've seen her grow up in the last year. This truly is a testament to how quickly they change!

When I first met Savannah, she was barely toddling. Now, she is an avid runner, jumper, and has started skipping everywhere. She is potty trained, weaned from her "binkie" and drinks from a big girl cup. More importantly, she is cuddly and loving - at least once a day she will randomly tell me that she loves me. And she'll do that for the other kiddos in care, too. She's extremely affectionate and caring. She loves loves loves books and right now, will spend an hour or two at a time cutting and pasting at the art table! She also loves dress-up, swinging, cooking projects (especially baking!) and play-doh.

Because of my technical difficulties, I only have a few photos to share. Savannah's story could take a whole series of posts, just because I've known her so long and have so many milestones to share! Alas, this eye candy will have to do. Enjoy!

Savannah and Julia often dress up and put on a fashion show of sorts...

If she was able to, I think Savannah would swing all day and night every day of her life!

Savannah is painting with cars! She loves art projects now, but she never cares to get her hands very messy.

Play-doh is another all-time favorite. Here, she's working it into a pancake. We spent many hours of the summer on the back patio making play-doh pancakes!

Water play is never boring with Savannah around!

Lookie! My hands are green!

I just had to include this picture - see how enamored Savannah is? She's like that with all the babies! Poor Julia looks left out in the background here.... but I'm sure that Savannah turned around and gave Julia a big hug after this shot was taken!

Sadly, the kids grow up so fast. Savannah is such a blessing to have here! Being the oldest daycare kiddo we have, she sets a great example! We love her!

Technical Difficulties

I can't wait to share Savannah's story here! It's frustrating that I'm experiencing technical difficulties, and will not be able to share her pictures and story until I get my new toys all squared away.

Soon after Paityn's post, I got a new computer. For some reason, I can't seem to get the camera to attach to this computer... it's going to require Mr. Rich's expertise - and he's been working a ton of hours each week, leaving little time for this problem.

As soon as it all gets squared away, Savannah's story will be published. :) Thanks for being patient!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


FINALLY!  Well, it took me more than a week, but I'm still good on my word :)  I compose these things 2 seconds at a time, darting in the office when I can escape for a quick second. ...I knew you'd understand.  Without further ado:

Paityn is the newest member of our childcare family! She first came in August, and is a part-timer. We LOVE the days when Paityn is here! She helps the mornings go by really fast... she's an early one, and is always in a fairly agreeable (if not very joyful and silly!) mood. I've never been much of a morning person, but I really do look forward to the mornings when Paityn helps me start the day.

Here's shot of her on her very first day... she was so very tired :)

After a while, she started to warm up to the idea of playing with me and all the other kiddos...

Paityn is a very quick learner. She watches the other kiddos complete a challenge, and knows just what to do when it's her turn.

I wish I had some video of her talking... Paityn will chat up a storm when she's in the mood! Her babbling is probably one of the things that makes me smile most on the days when she's here. She's going to have quite the vocabulary when all those sounds and noises start to make sense!

Paityn enjoys participating in everything we do. She's really quite a serious painter!

From sept08

As I've already said, she catches on quick. I bet she'll be potty trained before her next birthday!
From sept08 soon as she figures out how to properly use the toilet, of course

Without a doubt, Paityn's smile can cheer anybody up...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Long live the blog!

No more excuses, regular posting is coming your way! To help revive the blog, I will introduce to you one child per week, until we're all caught up! The child of the week will be chosen at random, probably based upon who I have some good photos of at the time. Without further ado...

This week's Child of the Week: Noah!
Noah first started coming to my house in November '07. Here is a picture of him on one of his first days!

Jan '08
Here, you will see that Noah helped me out a lot! He taught my own daughter many things... like how to suck on toys - no wait! Here, they are learning how to lift her head and are getting ready to explore the world in brand new ways...
Feb '08When Noah began learn more about space and movement, he was introduced to new toys that would challenge his mind. Check him out - here, he was sitting up... I remember being so excited that he could sit up by himself... my, how quickly things change!

March '08
Then we became mobile. I remember mom, dad, and I getting so excited... "He scooted all the way across the room!!" :) This was sometime around March or April...

Posted by Picasa

Noah has a bit of a shoe fetish, I think. (Though, these days the shoes are makeshift tools... hammers or screwdrivers or both. But he does still love to find and play with shoes of all kinds!)
April '08
Noah always loves to "cook" ..and he's pretty good at it!

And he loves water play! ...But only for a few minutes, because - although he LOVES the water - he'd much rather be in the boat:

Noah also likes to paint
but no matter WHAT he's doing, he'd rather be VACCUUMING!
One thing is for certain. Noah is the man of the house and we love it that way!

Thanks for visiting! Comments always motivate me to keep posting. You can always comment as anonymous... just so that I know folks are out there and reading, I'm motivated to keep it up. Noah says "hi"!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wordle fun

I'm sorry that I haven't posted much around here. It's not that I don't have any news.. it's just that - well, you're used to hearing it by now - I haven't found the time to sit and write or to download new pictures.

But, I did find this nifty thing on the 'net as I was reading through some articles online. It's called a Wordle. Right from the website, a " Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text." I used the text from this blog to create the wordle posted below. I think it represents us well.

Click the image to see it bigger - I think it's funny how the word TIME is the largest one that stands out to me when I look at it. I promise to try and do better about posting once school is in session. For now, enjoy the wordle...

Monday, July 28, 2008

We're growing!

On August 1st, we'll have a new friend joining us 3 days a week! Paityn is scheduled to start on a Friday, giving her and mom the weekend to bond and recuperate after Paityn's first day of daycare! Noah will always be the man of the house - now he has another little lady to look after. We'll have 3 toddlers and 2 preschoolers in the house! Our days will be packed full of fun. With school starting soon, I have big plans for lots of arts and crafts.

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I'm definitely looking forward to having a full house of kiddos here to help me grow and learn each day!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

For my previous Thursday Thirteen post, please click here.

Here are thirteen things that I consider to be noteworthy (out of a billion, gazillion!!)
  1. It's adorable how Noah is stabbing with a fork now. Today, we had peas and coin carrots. He got the carrots okay, but was frustrated at the little green peas that were not stab-able!
  2. Noah knows fingerplays and songs very well. Once in a while, a new one will come to my mind that I don't think I've done with these kids in a long time (recently, it was 1 little 2 little 3 little Indians - except I use "boys and girls" instead of "Indians" to be politically correct, hehe) and he catches on every single time. I think he has a really great memory and a love for all things music!
  3. Noah's favorite thing to do when he's here at Miss Maggie's is to swing. I think it's impossible for the child to get pushed on a swing and NOT laugh. He giggles every time and I adore it!
  4. Savannah is growing into a beautiful little girl. The waddling toddler that I once knew is now wearing "big girls" all the time and loves "write letters" with Julia.
  5. Savannah's belly laugh is contagious. When she gets to laughing, everybody gets to laughing, and that just makes her laugh even more. It's hard to NOT have fun when she's in a giggly mood!
  6. Savannah would have me read her books all day long every single day if she thought I would do it. She loves story time, loves picking out books, loves guessing plots by analyzing pictures, and enjoys hearing the words read.
  7. Julia is starting part-time preschool this August and is very nervous! She tells me, "mom? I am only going to go to school on the days when you are going to come there with me, k?" Sweet Julia, mommy passed preschool long ago, and now it's your turn. You'll be fine without mom.
  8. Julia is taking dance classes on Monday nights! Sometimes, during our music and movement time, we practice dance moves - from ballet to tap and even tumbling. It's fun!
  9. Julia has her mom's sarcastic sense of humor. She loves it when we pretend and play opposites. "Mom? Is it not okay to eat my green beans?" she'll ask with a coy smile... "am I gonna be in time out if I eat my green beans?" She wants me to play along and say - yes, dear - you'll be in BIIIG trouble if you eat those veggies!
  10. Rebecca is crawling everywhere and loves to walk with her walker. Just this week, she has started "creeping" along the furniture. She'll be catching up to Noah in no time - a feat she very much looks forward to.
  11. Rebecca is learning a lot of new sign language. It's great how quickly she catches on!
  12. Rebecca does not care for water play. Well, I take that back... she LOVES when we have water play - but wishes to sit on the sidelines watching everybody else, rather than jumping in and getting wet.
  13. I love my job. This week, it has been hard because I've been so tired. Vacation Bible School at the church is coming to a close tonight - and I am looking forward to getting to bed a bit earlier each night next week. But, even when I'm exhausted and have so much to catch up on with journaling, blogging, putting laundry away, and everything else - I still love my job. And I wouldn't trade it for anything!
There are many, many pictures that need to be uploaded. Perhaps this weekend I'll steal an hour or two from my family and update the flickr page. I'll be sure to let you know when they're up! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you're having a great summer!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Staying Busy

As always, we've been staying busy here. With the summer upon us, it's hard to resist trips to the park and play days in the pools. Luckily, we have a fairly flexible crowd - it's usually easy to keep everybody entertained.

Yesterday, we played in the pools - but it wasn't the same without Noah and Rebecca (They were snoozing - perhaps they figured it better to nap than deal with the heat?). Savannah and Julia had a blast, though - and I was surprised at how quickly they "jumped" right in despite the freezing cold water. I have to admit, it does feel pretty good since it's been so hot and humid around here. I even got wet up to my knees. :) Fun!

Today, we took a walk to the park. Cornerstone Park isn't that far from here, but I prefer to venture to the park at the Greenbelt. It's a bigger park, tends to be less crowded with field trips (Cornerstone is right by the swimming pool) and sometimes we see a class from our old friends at Open Arms there. When we do run into old friends, it's great fun to play with other kids and it's wonderful for me to get some adult conversation! Plus, the extra walking is good for all of us, and it gives us a chance to appreciate nature a bit more.

Unfortunately, we didn't stay at the park very long. We had snack and then played for just a few minutes. I got worried about the weather moving in. Despite the great forecast, the sky was darkening and I could smell rain. So, we jetted out of there quickly. The girls were good sports - even Savannah picked up the pace a bit and we enjoyed talking about weather all the way home. It's too bad, really, because by the time we got halfway home, the sky cleared and it was hot and sunny again! Oh, well. Better safe than sorry!

There are tons of new pictures up at flickr. Enjoy :)

Oh, by the way - we are going to visit the Deanna Rose farmstead tomorrow, and then I'm hoping we'll get to the library for story time next Thursday! Busy fun!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

More young people wanted!

The best advertising for any small business is word of mouth! I'm on the lookout for two more buddies! I would love to have a part-timer and a full-timer. Part-time care is defined as 29 hours per week or less. And, well - full-time is anything over that! Minimum age requirement is that the child is an accomplished stair-traveler! There is no age maximum, though I won't be able to transport kiddos to/from school.

Our friends would LOVE to have more friends join us! Do you know anybody looking for some TLC?

( By the way - I'm so flattered and humbled by the referrals I'm getting for babies!)

Our "fans" really do rock. I love my job - I hope it shows. Thanks for helping get the word out!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer Fun! Pool days

We had SO. MUCH. FUN. today! It was our first water play day, and it was a blast! I have to admit, I was a wee bit nervous about it... who wouldn't be with an 8 month old, 11 month old, 2 year old and 3 year old? But, everything was smooth sailing and, did I mention? It was SO MUCH FUN!! I wish I had the time and patience to give you lots of details - about Savannah and Julia's pretend play - about Rebecca's quick retreat from the water, about Noah's splashing ... but, alas, I have work to do. Here are more pictures to oogle at! And, feel free to check out the other pictures from today over at flickr. :) God has blessed us with another wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our Daily Routines

I'm a stickler when it comes to having predictable routines. I strongly believe that having a routine that everybody can predict makes the days easier on everybody. Please keep in mind that a routine is very different from a schedule. I think of a schedule as something you must follow so as not to go off course. Schedules are dictated by specific times of day, and restrict activities (such as creative play) or necessities (such as potty time) to a certain amount of time. Routines, on the other hand, suggest a flow from one part of the day to the next. It's an order in which things happen. Without a routine, activities and programming is unpredictable.

As I've said (some things are just worth repeating), I'm a stickler when it comes to having a routine. I insist that each day begin and end in the same way. Of course, I must always be flexible. Life would be boring if I insisted on a stringent A, then B, then C routine. Not only boring, but impossible. I like to plan some variation in our weeks now and then. In fact, I'm hoping the summer will be filled with variations - such as going for walks, visits to the park and library, etc.

But, predictable routines are easy to jump into or out of when needed.

So, I know you're just dying to know what the routine is like around here, aren't you? Well, you are in luck...

Start of day:Explore the living room. During this time, I try to find some "different" or "favorite" toys to keep the children's attention for a while. This is the time of day when we are all just trying to wake up and get going.

Morning Routine: We move down to the playroom, where we sign and rehearse many of the things we've been learning. For a while, it was the parts of the calendar (including the 7 days of the week, 12 months of year, etc.) and then it was reciting the Lord's Prayer, and then it was a song called "The Seven Day of of Creation" ...and these days, we just kinda do the alphabet, numbers, opposites, colors, and whatever else we dream up. It's a fun time for everyone who wants to join us. Nobody is required to sit and play in this way - the kiddos are free to roam about the playroom if they wish.

Care routines and Morning Snack: When we're done having casual conversations after our little "circle time," we go to our care routines... going potty, washing hands, cleaning the table. I serve snack, we say a quick prayer, and the kiddos munch. :) Even the babies are in on this part, now - as their feeding routines fall right into place with our morning snack time!

Creative Play: After snack, we wash up and then head back down to the playroom for creative play. This is the time when we are pretending or painting or coloring or dramatizing, or doing anything else that is fun and inclusive! This summer, this will be the time when we enjoy summery things - like pool time and walks to the park. Horray for warm weather!

Outside Play: Usually by now, the babies are wiped out and are ready for a morning nap. So, the bigger kiddos and I (and even the babies, if they don't wanna sleep) head outside for some fun in the sun! I strongly feel that children need to be outdoors every day, regardless of weather conditions. Unless, OF COURSE, it's below freezing out, or tornado-ey or soaking wet rainy/muddy, etc. :) My point is, fresh air is good, and good is fun. We even went out in the snow once to catch snowflakes on our tongues. Even if outside time only amounts to 5 minutes, it's worth the trouble of getting everybody out.

Group Play/Lunch fixin: At this point, we go with the flow and hang out upstairs while I fix lunch. The girls are usually in Julia's room with the Barbies or little people - Noah and Rebecca are roaming the hardwood floors, enjoying their own play time.

Care routines and lunch: The girls are so good when it's time to clean up. They love to hurry and clean quickly so they can surprise me by saying "the rooms already cleaned up!" (I will go see the room and have a big dramatic smile and say "oh my goodness! How did you get this cleaned up so fast!? .... it never gets old). Then, we go potty, wash hands, and sit down for lunch. As luck would have it, the babies are usually hungry again by now, too! So, we all eat together as a "family." I love it.

Care routines and Storytime: The deal is that you are asked to stay at the table until everybody is done eating. (This way there's no rush or "competition" to get done first.) Then, the older kiddos take their plates to the sink, put their cups in the fridge, and then head to the bathroom, where we wash up, brush teeth, and go potty once again if needed. When they are done with these tasks, they always go to Julia's room and pick a book to look at until I meet them in there for story time. They are so good about quietly "reading" books to themselves while I'm cleaning up from lunch and helping the babies get washed up. :) This is probably my favorite part of the day. I enjoy reading two books - one that Savannah picks out, and one that Julia picks out. Soon enough, it will be three - one for Noah!

Naptime: When the books are done, everybody gets a quick hug and then they go to their beds. I turn on music in everybody's rooms and tell them goodnight. The girls almost always fall asleep immediately! This is my much deserved break time. I usually spend nap time chilling out with the babies - or, if they sleep too, I'll read a magazine or catch up on other cleaning that needs done.

Care routines and afternoon snack: After nap, we go potty, wash hands, and have our snack. On nice days, we like to eat snack outside!

Outside Play: Honestly, by the time everybody wakes up, I'm missing the kiddos so much and they sleep for so long! So, I'm usually the one with the MOST energy during afternoon play time. I tend to get really silly and have lots of fun!

Music and Dance: When it gets close to pick-up time, we like to come inside and wait for moms and dads in the living room. We usually have the music on and get to "free dance." The girls are learning to dance with each other now-a-days (instead of off doing their own things separately) and Noah has some great rhythm!

So there you have it - a summarized look at our day. Don't you wish you could play with us?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? Did you know that all of my pictures are on flickr? You can find them at I encourage comments here as well as over at flickr - as your thoughts, questions, compliments keep me up on my blogging and photo taking!

My disclaimer: You'll find many many pictures of my own kiddos - it's just easier to upload my recent pictures all at once, and so sometimes the photos get tagged under "daycare" even if they're not. :) I'm sure you understand!

Enjoy this preview:

Monday, May 12, 2008

Unit on Creation

This week (and possibly next), the children and I are learning about God's Creation of the world. It's a series that I love, because there are so many things children can do and sing and play that help them to understand just how special they are.
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

In a recent bible study class at my church, we talked about how, when God created all of the parts of the Earth, he said that "it was Good" and after creating man, He said "and it was very good." Amen.

So, today the children are learning a basic, age-appropriate version of the story of Adam and Eve. We talked about how our fingerprints are unique to us - that nobody else in the world shares a fingerprint like ours, and so that is a constant, attached reminder of how special we are. We'll be doing a few things with our fingerprints today, as learning continues.

I had originally planned to focus on body parts and nutrition for these next few weeks, but on Friday night, my husband and I treated ourselves to a movie and dinner. The movie we picked was Expelled with Ben Stein. I highly recommend that you look into seeing it! It's a documentary covering Stein's view of the controversy over teaching children and adults that the world may have been created by Intelligent Design (God) rather than through Evolution (Darwinian theories). The movie reminded me that I'm so blessed to be submerged in a community where I can speak openly about my convictions and I can use my gifts to help communicate the beauty of faith to God's little people. So, rather than just going with your basic boy parts for these kiddos, I'm going to go back to the basics - and help the children understand just how those body parts got here in the first place. :) I'm so thrilled that I have this opportunity and that God is guiding my work.

So, parents can look forward to seeing some wonderful crafts and notes coming home this week and next. Today, they are coloring a homemade book about Adam and Eve. Later in the unit, we will trace our bodies and color them to our likeness (while learning body parts, hehe). Also, we'll find some scripture to frame. We'll talk about "forbidden" things and "temptation"... Sure, it may go over their heads, but if they might understand parts of the concepts. We will talk about fruits and which things we eat that are good for our bodies and which things aren't so good for our bodies. I'm just so excited to see where this unit leads us! Already, I've mentioned things that use all five senses.

Alright, that's all I have for now... this journal needed to be updated. I'm glad I've stolen some time to post. Thanks for reading! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day - whether you are a Mother or not!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No time to blog!

Things are moving at an incredible pace around here, just like I like it. There were a few days last week where we had some easier days - so I spent a lot of time organizing, cleaning, sanitizing, and writing plans. I guess it was a spring cleaning frenzy for the daycare! Now my records are all up to date, the toys are all cleaned, the couch has been throughly vacuumed (big job!) and the floor has been mega-mopped! Plus, I have a plan for themed activities for the whole summer. It feels nice to be back on top of things.

This week, we kicked of an Earth Day theme. On Monday, we went on a Trash walk. We walked the perimeter of the house, and even into the neighbors back yard, picking up trash and recycled items (Unfortunately, we didn't find much to recycle!). We talked about wasting and reusing. I'm thinking that the conversations went right over the girls' heads, but at least we're talking about it. It will all kick in soon. Yesterday it was dreary in the morning, so we colored a recycle symbol and painted the Earth on a paper plate. They look really cute - I hope to take pictures... but I've gotten pretty lazy with the camera lately.

Perhaps my lack of pictures has to do with my hands being full! Noah is walking and cruising everywhere! I'm amazed at how much a baby changes between 6 and 10 months. And Rebecca is showing signs of teething - Every once in a while we see some white on her bottom gums. Julia is getting more creative in her play - adding details with every scenario she acts out. Savannah is close to being potty trained!

Today, we're going to plant some grass seed in a potato. I'll kick myself twice if I don't get photos of that!

Alrighty - that's my interesting post for the day. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Just a list

Here's just a list of some of the things we did today:
  • built towers with blocks and then knocked them down, over and over and over again
  • played with shaving cream
  • cleaned out the office closet (and found lots of fun things to play with)
  • colored on paper with the babies (pictures coming soon, promise!)
  • painted with watercolors
  • played with sand, indoors
  • read a million gazillion books
  • played with noodles ("extra" noodles from today's yummy soup)
  • prayed together
  • sang together
  • clapped together (one of Noah's new hobbies)
  • practiced our letters (we're working on "T" right now)
  • played with puddles outside (just for a few minutes, it was too cold!)
  • played pretend (Julia was the mommy and Savannah did whatever Julia told her to, it was endearing)
  • played ball with the babies - Noah and Rebecca are going to be great friends!
Nap time is just about over - I'm sure there's much more we are still going to accomplish today! I truly have the best job in the whole world. I wish you could spend a day with me. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Childcare by Maggie is closing down, effective May 1

April Fool's! Just kidding. I wouldn't give this job up for anything. I continue to feel so blessed to be in the position that I'm in - working for amazing families and growing with amazing children. I called my aging grandmother last night to say hi and to let her know I was thinking of her, and - as always - she asked about the kiddos in care. She told me that just the other day she went to Will's orchestra concert. Will is a college graduate that is in the CSU Orchestra in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Will is graduating with a management degree this May. My grandmother babysat will from the time he was a few months old until he was about 10 years old. And now, 15 years later, she is still invested in his life and attending the concerts that began as she took him to his violin lessons a decade-plus ago. Those are the kinds of friendships I want with the children I teach today!

You may have thought that this blog was forgotten. On the contrary! I think about the blog everyday, as I know there are many readers who are anxious for pictures and stories of the little ones. Each day, I think - "Oh I really need to blog about this!" and I kick myself for not having my camera nearby or for not simply downloading and then uploading the pictures that I do already have stored on the camera that I almost always have conveniently in my pocket.

Perhaps when things get back to normal, I'll be able to post more consistently. We've all suffered from the icky germs that attack when seasons change. Luckily (?) We've not all had the same virus... so at least we know sanitizing and cleaning is one of my top priorities! Today, it seems as though everybody (even me) is feeling better. We're all in attendance and we're all in good spirits. That's the kind of news that I like to blog about!

So please do keep checking. I hope to post some evidence of Noah crawling around looking for new adventures to get into. I hope to post pictures of Savannah and Julia playing one of their many newly invented games - usually having something to do with a ball or stick or rock or something. I also hope to post more about Rebecca's developments - she's signing like crazy - saying things with her hands like "mommy" and "more" and "milk."

But for now, just say a little prayer of thanks for our health!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More pictures!

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words... That's good, because I haven't had a lot of time to jot down many words!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sounds from the Playroom

The girls were playing around Noah, who was sitting in the middle of the floor minding his own business:
Savannah: (Takes a double-take at Noah, and continues walking. Then, goes back to Noah and gets right up close to Noah's face to inspect...)
Me: What's the matter, Savannah?
Savannah: Noah?
Me: Yep, that's Noah - are you going to play with him?
Savannah: Oh. He looks like him dad.
I had to giggle wondering if she thought maybe that was Noah's daddy sitting in the middle of our floor?

The girls have discovered imaginary wings, and have been flying around the playroom gracefully. A few hours ago, Julia commented about how her hard/fast running was making her heart beat really fast and she wanted me to feel it.
Savannah: Ut-oh Maggie (coming to me, sticking her chest out)
Me: what?
Savannah: Ut-oh my heart is beating (putting my hand on her heart to feel)
I assured Savannah that it's a GOOD thing to have your heart beating! I told her I'd like to know if her heart WASN'T beating. :)

The girls were still flying and Julia stopped to get paper and marker.
Julia: See what I drew mom?
Me: That looks great! Tell me about it?
Julia: That's me! And do you see my wings?
Me: Oh yeah - looks like your wings are right there by your arms?
Julia: No mom, that's my hand.
Me: Oh of course it is. Where are your wings, doll?
Julia: My wings? I'm a girl, I can't really fly. I don't really have wings, mom.
Whew, I'm glad she cleared that up for me! ;)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I went a little camera crazy on Leap Day. I had this idea to try and capture a little bit of every part of our day... so that you could get a full picture of what one of our days is like. (I wanted a shot of breakfast, then circle time, then snack, then playtime, etc. etc....) but that was way harder than I imaged it to be! So, when I had the time, I shot as many pics as I could and I know you'll enjoy them! (See post below!) Also, my camera has a video feature on it... while the video isn't the best quality it definitely catches some great moments. The most frustrating thing about my camera, though, is that when I'm recording video, it stops recording at random times... so I might be shooting something REALLY good (like the girls singing or like Noah on the move) and it won't let me catch the whole thing. GAH. Oh well :) Enjoy the clips that I did capture!

In the next clip, you'll see how close Noah is to crawling! He moves from sitting to all fours very easily!

In this next clip, you'll get a small taste of what it looks like when Noah goes backwards. He has very strong arms! He can go from one end of the room to another (as long as there are no difficult obstacles, hehe) in about 15 seconds!

And finally, this clip will give you a sneak peek at just how stinking. lucky. I. am. to. be. playing. with. kids. for. a. living!!!!

Pictures Pictures Pictures!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

I have been terrible about updating on this blog! One of the things I love about having a blog like this one is that friends and family members of the children in care can keep up with what's going on at Miss Maggie's house on a regular basis. I apologize that the blog has been less than regular! In my defense, we have been SUPER busy here! I'll explain how in just a minute...

First, I want to introduce you to the Thursday Thirteen. In the blogging world, bloggers will often use daily memes to get inspired to write and update. One of my favorite meme's is the Thursday Thirteen, because it forces the writer to pause and come up with thirteen things that he wants his audience to know. Not just anything, either, because the thirteen is limiting - one is forced to pick the information that he most wants to share! It wouldn't be truthful to say that I'll aspire to create a Thursday Thirteen for you every week - but it certainly is a handy way to get caught up and back on track!

And now, an update. In no particular order:
Thirteen Reasons (or Excuses) that we have been too busy to update the blog!
  1. We're mobile. Noah is mobile! And he's sooo fun to play with. The girls like to "chase" him and I love to encourage him to keep moving because it's so fun to be a part of. He is still doing the backwards scoot - but a forward crawl is not far off! (Promise: Video coming soon!)
  2. We're pottying! Savannah is learning to use the potty. With so much support and encouragement from home, we are using books (Potty Time with Elmo, and Zoo Poo), songs, dolls, and M&Ms to help Savannah become independant in the realm of elimination. This is so super exciting. I always feel so honored to be a part of such a huge life milestone... and I've known Savannah since just before she turned one year old!
  3. We're playing outside. We all have spring fever. Whenever the outside temp is above 40 degrees, we try to make it outside for playtime. I never remember to take my camera - and wouldn't really use the time taking pictures anyway... I love to run around and be silly just as much as the kids do!
  4. We're eating! The babies are great eaters... Noah and Rebecca love to eat - and boy, is that time consuming! N shares a breakfast and a lunch with us, while R is enjoying breakfast right now and will be having lunch very soon. I've always thought it to be good practice for children (well, okay, adults too) to enjoy food every two hours. This way, we don't eat too much in one sitting and we never get hungry. So, we have two meals and two snacks every day. Thank goodness for nap time!
  5. We're learning. Julia is learning new things everyday and running with it. (I might be a little biased because I happen to be her mommy, but c'mon - this kid is smart!) She's picking up on writing letters and numbers and loves loves loves making "birthday cards" for people (even when it's not close to their birthdays!). Savannah is learning a lot by joining in on Julia's child-initiated activities... so there's always paper, crayons, markers, scissors, and glue at work.
  6. We're being safety-conscious! We had a fire drill yesterday, and the girls talked all day long about fire safety (which, though exhausting, is a GREAT thing!). So, a fire drill that could have only taken us 5 minutes lasted a couple of hours, by the time I was able to successfully transition to something else. That was yesterday. The first thing we did today? Practiced dialing 911 on toy phones, and talked in depth about what is an emergency and what is not.
  7. We read. A. Lot. Of. Books. Everysingleday! I have a B.A. in English, so I've always loved books. Lucky for me, Savannah and Julia loves books, too. It's amazing how many HOURS we spend reading books every day. Sometimes, I attempt to just sit and read and read and read and read until both of them gets tired of it and asks me to stop... It has never happened. I'm always the first to resign!
  8. We groove. As you've seen in clips and stories past, we also love music! Even Noah can do a little jig when the tunes get cranked. I've recently witnessed him shaking his booty and bopping his head around. I love it. Whenever someone asks me what kind of music I listen to... I almost always embarrassingly reply, "kids music!" This is great exercise and a wonderful release of creative energy for all of us.
  9. We are pretending. The imagination that Savannah and Julia have is amazing. I've been everything from a ferocious lion (attacking the kids with a loud RAWR and a pretend jump to run after them) to a sickly mother (needing tender medical care by Nurse Julia and Dr. Savannah). It's during these pretending skits that I so wish I was filming ... I'd love to share it with you. For now, you'll just have to take my word for it!
  10. We're crafting. The girls create something at least once a day. Whether it's simple coloring or an elaborate craft, they enjoy table time. On Monday, we made Snakes for the letter S. Yesterday, we made Snails. When nap time is over today, we're going to make Snowflakes. Fun fun!
  11. We're cleaning. Thankfully, the girls enjoy washing toys with me. They also enjoy wiping tables (Just water and a rag, I go back over it later with sanitizer, hehe) and chairs. They also LOVE vacuum time - which, incidentally, creates a much cleaner rug in our playroom than it would ever be if the girls were not around all the time. (I'm not gung-ho about vacuuming but they inspire me, haha!)
  12. We're bonding. I'm a sentimental person and quality time is my primary "love language." So, whenever an opportunity arises that I get some one-on-one time with a child, I jump on it. They're only going to be this little once. The days are precious, the time is short.
  13. We're maturing. Okay, maybe this one is just for me. I'm maturing as a caregiver, as a mommy, as a Christian, as a person. I love that the children teach me more than I would ever learn from books or seminars. I'm learning a lot about my need to appreciate my ME time. I'm forcing breaks on myself... when all the kids are sleeping at the very same time (not as rare as you may think! I have them trained! hah), I'm learning that it's okay to take 15 minutes to myself. Without cleaning. Journaling. Preparing. Planning. etc... I'm remembering to pray and enjoy the moments!
So there you have it, thirteen very GOOD excuses for my lack of updates lately! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I had to share this picture collage of Noah and Rebecca. I know it will warm up your day like it has mine! They are SO. STINKING. CUTE.!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

President's Day!

Yesterday, Savannah's older sister had the day off - so she came over here to play with us! Here are some pictures that we wanted to share with you to help us tell you about our day...

Here we are painting. This was part of our "President's Birthday" celebrations. We painted after we sang Happy Birthday to President's Washington and Lincoln.

Part of our afternoon routine is dancing in the living room. We always crank the music and dance while we wait for parents to pick up. Almost always, this includes Julia's camera toy - a little camera and microphone that hooks up to the TV so that the girls can see themselves dancing. It's a lot of fun to be a part of!

Julia is learning from her cousins, Majesta and Braxton, who are in Karate. They teach her new moves that she likes to incorporate into her dance routines. Here, she demonstrates the Jumping Jack. :)

Here, the girls are doing the Hokey Pokey. Samantha is running around silly and you gotta watch the clip so you can see Savannah's booty shake! ...Absolutely adorable!

Looking back at the pictures from yesterday, I'm sad that I didn't catch more moments with Noah and Rebecca. I'll be sure to record more of them in the coming days. They are growing so fast and the two of them are becoming great friends... always keeping an eye on what the other is doing.

We are so blessed to have such great friends share our house everyday!!