Monday, December 10, 2007

Busy Busy Busy!

Sorry for my lack of posts! I have some new pictures to share, which will be uploaded soon. We have been very busy bees around here making Christmas crafts and singing Christmas songs and watching the weather, etc.

The kiddos took home some cute crafts on Friday. We made reindeer by printing their feet and hands. That was turned into a magnet! And, they made cute tree ornaments with their pictures ... a keepsake to remember - for sure!

During the month of December, I'm focusing my crafts and stories and songs around Christmas and on the CIRCLE shape. My hope is that Noah will get used to the word "circle" and will be able to sign it in a few months, that Savannah will be able to pick circles out of pictures and books, and that Julia will be able to draw and/or cut a circle shape! I'm having so much fun with these kids!!

Right now is a very rare occasion, as I have nap time to myself. All four children are sleeping soundly, and that gives me a chance to update the blog. ... Now, if I can just remember where I set the camera, then I could give you pictures to oogle at as well!

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